Availability and Prices-
Availability will be updated as often as possible but to confirm availability for booking please email us.
Prices may be discounted but please see our Facebook for any reductions.
Email address and facebook under the 'Contact us' tabs.
Please note there is a £25 per dog charge. We accept a maximum of 3 dogs in the lodge at any one time.
Our weeks work Saturday to Saturday, but this may be flexible out of season.
All prices are for 7 Night stays, but out of season we will accept shorter stays at a minimum of 3 nights.
Out of season shorter stays are £99 per night. Please email for shorter stay pricing and availability.
We provide 10% discount to NHS staff on stays. (NHS cards will be necessary)
We also offer 10% discount to returning customers.
29-6 JUN/JUL - £699.00
20-27 JUL - £1,100
27-03 JUL/AUG - £1,100
03-10 AUG - £1,100
10-17 AUG - £1,200
17-24 AUG - £1,200
24-31 AUG - £BOOKED
31-7 AUG/SEP - £650.00
7-14 SEP - £450.00
14-24 SEP - £BOOKED
24-28 SEP -£400.00
28-5 SEP/OCT - £380.00
5-12 OCT - £400.00
12-19 OCT - £450.00
19-26 OCT - £550.00
26-2 OCT - £BOOKED